Monday, November 12, 2007

Spinning my Wheels

I think my running is becoming so routine that I don't feel compelled to write about it anymore. It's become as much a part of me as any other part of me. For a while, if it wasn't for this blog, I might have slacked on my training. Now, I'm lucky if I remember to tell you about it. I keep the log up to date though.

Yesterday's "long" run was less than six miles. It was on the park trail, so it was slow. Everybody and their dog was there too. With Starbucks. Now, I know for certain there is not a Starbucks in the park, nor is there one close by. So, it was weird that I saw at least three different couples walking in the park, with their dogs, and clutching their red holiday cups from Starbucks. Obviously, they weren't putting in the same effort that I was or they would have been carrying water. Well, maybe the dogs were working up a sweat.

Today I tried another spin class. I went to one on Sunday that was great. An interval class as was the one today, but I disagreed fundamentally with what the instructor was teaching. She kept talking about "active recovery" and "not letting your heartrate come down" during the recovery interval. BS like that. Oh, and she said we should be able to carry on a conversation with our neighbor while working in the 80-90% zone. WTF? Where did she get her information? So, this all made for a distracting workout because I was so busy arguing with her in my mind and trying to do the intervals on my own. Too much stress! Oh, and she was late to class. That, I hate more than anything. C'mon! Be early -- you're the instructor for crying out loud! Maybe this is why I enjoy running. It's all on me. But, I want to spread my wings, and I think this will make me a better runner too. So, I'll give it another shot. I'll figure out which instructors I like and only go to their classes.

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