Saturday, November 10, 2007

If this is "Zero Week" what is "Zero +1"???

I made a promise to myself that I would add more spinning classes to my schedule. Gotta get my money's worth out of my two gym memberships! Scott and I decided to go to class together this morning. Isn't that sweet? I'm trying to get him to the gym more regularly. Oh, did I mention that my training recovery schedule said to run a 30 minute tempo today also?

It was an interval spin class, taught by the owner of the gym, who also happens to be an ironman too. 45 minutes of pushing it hard. I was a dripping puddle of smelly bacteria at the end of class. No time for a shower though. The other folks would just have to hold their noses when they saw me, a real athlete, hit the treadmill.

I managed 20 minutes at a 10 minute pace, which, once upon a time last year, would have got my heartrate up to 177, but today, even after spinning, it only got as high as 161. That's alot of improvement! At 20 minutes I had a bathroom issue, so I decided to call it a day.

Good workout!


RunToTheFinish said...

ohh new site...pretty site. Um so zero week seems kinda like a recovery week and less of a true rest week...but if the body is letting you well congrats.

Tea said...

Much better!

do you do heart rate training?