Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Running for Office

I guess I'm back on the schedule. I had a little bit of delayed onset jet lag this morning when I woke up sluggish. After driving Sarah to school, I went back to bed. Round 2 of my day started at 10:30 and I went out for my 8 mile run. It's been snowing big, wet snowflakes all morning and hasn't stopped yet. Nothing seems to be sticking though. It just feels like it's pouring snow, which is better for running than if it were pouring rain.

I ran 8.25 miles in 1:25:27 (10:20 avg. pace). The route I run is challenging with lots of uphills, but it's in the neighborhood so I like it. Besides, there are two houses under construction about a mile and a half apart which means two nicely spaced port-o-lets should I need them! When I do my long run, I may do the loop twice and put out water and Gatorade. It will be nice not to have to carry them along.

As I was running, I saw a couple of yard signs for Barak Obama. Ohio’s Primary election is next Tuesday. Yesterday Obama was in town and today, Clinton is here. Not surprising. This is the part of Ohio that elected George Bush twice, but also elected Clinton twice before that (for all you Sara Jane’s out there whose memories are too young to know this fact). I plan to cast my vote for Hillary, but it really warms my heart to see the hopeful look in the eyes of Obama supporters. I don’t remember, in my own lifetime, so much energy and excitement by young voters over a presidential candidate. Yesterday, I was working at my kids’ high school in the College Information Center, where I have a lot of contact with juniors and seniors. Quite a few were trying to arrange schedules to attend the Obama rally at UC. It’s exciting!

By the way, for all you Jeopardy fans, the winner of last week’s Teen Jeopardy is a sophomore at my kid’s high school. I missed the finals, but I understand she missed an easy daily double. Who says you have to be good at math to be good at trivia?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I did watch Jeopardy last week. I was so excited to see someone from Cinci win. She did miss a pretty easy questions...but what the heck. I am terrible in math...but good with trivia!

How many days until your trip?