Sunday, February 10, 2008


I did my 7 miles with 10 x 100 strides (was supposed to be 8, but I did two more to make the distance go faster). Treadmill. At 2 miles I was thinking of quitting, but then Sarah came downstairs and turned on the TV. She found a couple of shows that got me through the remaining 5 miles -- Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab and Flavor of Love. Nothing like a little Loser Reality TV to get the juices flowing.

Speaking of Reality TV, I can't even tell you how disappointed I am that Johnny (Jon Dalton) Fairplay was voted off the island on the first episode of Survivor Micronesia. I LOVE Jonny Fairplay. He's one of my favorite all time survivors! Who am I going to root for now?

WTD: 43.6 (87% of planned runs)
YTD: 232

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Are you okay...did you survive the snow and ice last week? We were in Cinci over the weekend for my cousin's senior night for hockey. Check in and let us/me know you're okay.