Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Worst Squats in London

Today was another "Not for the Faint of Heart" workout/run day. I started out with 2 miles of warmup on the treadmill at 10:00 pace. Then, after a stretch, I began the strength part. From memory (which is not too good lately):

Squats w/ bar (55lb) 20x4
Deadlifts on bosu (10lb dbs)(20) SS Pushups on inv. bosu (15) x 4
Leg extensions (10lb)x25 SS Shoulder press on bosu (10lb db)x20 X 4
Seated Rows (I forget the weight!) x 20 SS Wall sits (1:00) X 4
Side ball throws and V-Ups for core

Then it was back to the treadmill for a 30 minute tempo run (HR avg. about 161). Avg. pace 9:00. After that, more stretches.

While eating lunch (turkey slices and 2 small Granny Smith apples w/ Smuckers Nat'l/organic peanut butter), I was listening to "Fresh Air" and David Edelstein was listing his favorite movies of 2007. I realized what a pathetic year of movie watching I've had. I haven't seen anything! Most years I'm good for at least half the list. Our kids have more of a social life than we do! Number 4 on his list was "Sweeney Todd" which is opening next week. I think this will be our Christmas Day movie and I am totally excited to see it. I love, love, love, love, love Sweeney Todd! Nothing like a little cannibalism and a close shave to get the juices flowing.

On that note,

1 comment:

Tea said...

I cannot wait for that movie! Mike even surprised me by telling me he wanted to see it too.

We see so few movies, but we did manage to see I AM LEGEND this past weekend.