Thursday, December 27, 2007


Ok, so who is this Pfitz that is making me run 9 miles in the middle of the week and doesn't even call it a "long" run? If this is only the first week of training -- which it is -- I'm in big trouble!

I did my 9. With strides in the last mile. (Hey Matt W, if it says 9 miles, who am I to make it more??). It was pretty ugly. Well, it was ok until the podrunner episode (178 bpm) ended and then I was left with the ipod's choice since it was on shuffle. I think it was incahoots with Pete Pfitzinger in an effort to torture me today by playing Eminem and 50 Cent back to back. Did I really put them on my ipod?

I'll spare the ugly details. Suffice it to say, I started out fine, had a wardrobe malfunction, got a cramp, niggles here, niggles there, and was more than happy to hit the stop button at exactly 9.
Does it get any easier?

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

I know a few who did Pfitz and I tend to say no it doesn't get easier, but your performance should improve..