Ok, folks. Fun's over. I had my 20 mile week. I had my "taper/slacker" week. I had my 13.1 PR. Now it's time to get back to this business of marathon training.
This morning started at the gym. Warm up about 3 miles on the bike. Did some stretches.
Squats (body weight) on bosu 3x20 SS Reverse lunge on riser (5 lb dbs) 3x20
Sled calves (55) 3x25)
Seated row (20) 3x20 SS Walking lunges (forward & backward)
Rebounder (4 lb ball) 2x25 SS V-ups 2x10
Then I came home and read a little of these boards before heading back out the door for a 5 mile run. Took about 50 minutes. It's going to be hot again this week if I can't get my runs in in the early AM. Which I can't, so I'd just better resign myself to hot and sunny.
I've decided that the next book I (re)read will be Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. I have been selected to chaperone a contingent of high school students from this area on a program called March of the Living. (I have created a link to the website). MOTL is a national program that takes Jewish teens to Poland where they will see first hand the sites where the Nazis murdered Jews during the Holocaust. On Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Ha'Shoah) we will simulate the death march from Aushwitz death camp to Birkenau. 2500 teens from around the country and their adult leaders including Holocaust survivors will make the march that symbolizes the life of the Jewish people. From Poland, we will travel to Israel where we will observe, with Israelis, Yom Ha'Zikaron the day where Israel honors its fallen soldiers, and then celebrate the next day, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel Independance Day.
I have been wanting to do this for years and the opportunity finally arose where I saw an ad to apply for the position. I won't be training for a spring marathon because I'll be on the program the first two weeks of May. That means the Pig's out and pretty much any other marathon. I don't anticipate that I'll get too much running in while in Poland or Israel, simply because I think I'll need to be available for the kids. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity (ok, I'm committed for two years!) but it's so worth it.
Now, though, I'm going to focus my reading on Holocaust related literature.
Oh, how do you like the cornfields? That was the entire view from the State-to-State Half-Marathon.
I am SO jealous. Your trip sounds awesome. I was able to visit Dachau many moons ago and it is still fresh in my mind. There is a 'smell' there that I have only smelled one other time - when I was in NYC after 9/11 at Ground Zero.
I did get my 20 miles in...I ran my arse all over Northern Kentucky! I am now tapering..marathon is 9 days away!
Fantastic photo at the top of this entry! You look like you could fly by the rest of us:)
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