Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Holding Up Well

I've switched around my lifting schedule in order to accomodate my new running schedule. So, for the time being I'm doing my strength workout on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Today also corresponded with my favorite (not) kind of run -- the recovery run. In order to save some time, I elected to do the 4 miles on the treadmill before my workout. I'll just say that it wasn't horrible. I kept about an 11:00 pace and threw in some strides the last mile, just to get it over with a little quicker.

I get no sympathy from my trainer for either having a tougher running schedule or for running immediately prior to my workout so I took a Hammer Gel in between. It was delicious. I love the raspberry flavor!

Jump Squats on the riser (20) SS pushups on bosu (10) x 3
"Fast feet" on the riser (90 seconds) SS Standing DB rows (15 lb dbs) x 3
Frog jumps (or knee jumps)(5) on bosu SS Rebounder (7# ball) x 5
Seated Row (40 x 15) SS Run down then jump up the stairs X 4
Front & Side shoulder press (5# dbs) 20 x 3

I'm on my way to 40 miles this week.

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