Saturday, January 26, 2008

Confessions of a Couch Potato

My trainer told one of my sons this morning that I was getting "lazy" with my workouts. Lazy! I'm not a professional runner so, like everyone else, I do what I can to get it in. Lazy is saying "I don't feel like running 5 miles today; it's only recovery anyway," and then sitting on the couch and watching "A Prairie Home Companion" instead. That's not what I did.

What I did was get up at 7:00 to give my kid breakfast and drive him to his high school for the SAT. Then I came home and woke up another kid so he wouldn't be late for his own workout. Then I got to eat breakfast myself. After that, I cleaned the floors and two bathrooms. Then I picked up number 2 son at the gym, drove home, fed, made lunch for, fixed hair in a bun for, and drove my daughter to ballet rehearsal. By this time, it was 11:30 and I was hungry. I ate a piece of toast and got my own lazy ass out the door for that 5 mile recovery run. We all know how much I love recovery runs, right? I ran slow, slow, and slower, keeping my heartrate below 160. Does that sound lazy? And the day is only half over...

I ran today's run the exact same route as yesterday's. Remember yesterday's splits? (They're down there in yesterday's post). Well, here are today's, with HR splits too:

Mile Pace HR
1 10:53 139
2 10:48 142
3 11:40 144
4 11:05 146
5 11:21 142

Tomorrow is 17 miles. I'm hoping for a little bit of a warmup in the temperature. I must have misunderstood the weather for today. I thought it was supposed to be in the 30s, but it hasn't quite made it yet. And the wind is positively arctic!

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