Thursday, December 13, 2007

What Kind of Bread Would You Like?

I had to sandwich my run around my workout again today. I did a ladder anyway, even though time constraints would prevent me from holding the pace for as long as I would have liked to.
I warmed up with 3 miles on the treadmill. 9:41, 9:23, 9:05.

Then I hit the weights: pushups, single leg curls, single leg military presses, core, glutes, tuck-ins w/ the stability ball.

After that, it was back to the treadmill. 9:23, 9:05, (8:49/8:34), then .5 mile cooldown. Total miles run today: 6.50.

I didn't wear my HR monitor, but I felt like I was hitting LT pace in the third mile. If I had the time, I probably should have done a longer cooldown, but I had to get to my manicure on time!

Hopefully, in January, life will slow down and I can run on a regular schedule. I just hope I'm not losing my endurance by doing all these shorter runs. It seems like it takes as much endurance to run before and after the workout though. One long run would be a pleasure!

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