Wednesday, October 31, 2007

If I Can Make it There...

I'm supposed to run 4, but I'm not sure I'll get it in before I have to go downtown and get my hair cut/colored. And once that's done, I'm not going to ruin it by getting it sweaty or putting it in a ponytail! Oh, no! I have to get my money's worth out of a good visit to the salon! That means no running tomorrow either.

Things I'm worried about for Sunday:
1. My achilles. It's been an issue since the end of July. I really should rest it today anyway, but then I worry about taking four days entirely off before the marathon.
2. The crowded start on the Verrazano bridge. My number is really high based on my worst marathon finish. That means I'm supposed to line up at the back. I don't get why I can't line up according to my own projected finish, so I'm worried that I'll be 2-5 minutes behind right from the start.
3. Potty stops. My history is not good here.

Things I'm excited about:
1. My training. It's been excellent. I've gotten significantly faster this year and I've got the logs to prove it.
2. Running through NYC. What could be more exciting than that?
3. Proving to myself that I can keep the energy high for 4+ hours.

My Goals:
Ultimate: Anything less than 4:20
Trained for: 4:20
Acceptable: 4:30

Anything less than 4:39 will be a PR, but honestly, I was trained for better than 4:39 when I achieved it.


CCP said...

You'll do great! I've heard that taking a few good rest days before a big race is good.

Happy running!

RunToTheFinish said...

The downside to starting farther back is having to work your way through the crowds...but the upside is you know you won't go out to fast and you know you'll continue to pass people which is a nice little mental boost!

Machine. said...

Hi Natalie,
I came across your blog on Google when looking for using the Garmin305 with the NY Marathon.
I'm Alex Gonzalez,M42 (, and I am running it too. Best of luck to you. I know you will do great!!!

Tea said...

You can SO do THIS!
Don't worry about the bridges. Focus on your form.


Tea said...

I haven't been able to get into the system all morning. I'll try again later, but the suspense is killing me!

RunToTheFinish said...

Come on me out did it go!!