Sunday, October 21, 2007

Holding on

12 miles at marathon pace. (10:03 to be exact). Can I hold it for 14.2 more miles? That's the mystery! It was tough, but I ran 4 fast yesterday and today's run was the culmination of a tough week of runs and workouts. What magic will a little rest and race day bring?

I ordered some t-shirts for my "Wolf Pack." I chose lime green because I figured I'm more likely to see a lime green human billboard in NYC than any other color. I didn't want to pay an extra 25% to ensure they would get here on time, so I'm just going to have to risk it. There will be other marathons in my future anyway. I ordered twelve shirts from

WTD: 35.1
YTD: 1256.48 (I think)

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